Preşedintele ales Donald Trump a cerut Curţii Supreme a SUA să amâne pronunţarea asupra unei legi care ar interzice populara aplicaţie de social media TikTok sau ar forţa vânzarea acesteia, susţinând că ar trebui să i se dea timp, după preluarea mandatului, pentru a încerca el o „rezolvare politică” a problemei. Curtea urmează să audieze argumentele în acest caz pe 10 ianuarie.
Trump requests the Supreme Court to delay its ruling on a law that could ban TikTok or force its sale, arguing that the incoming administration should have time to try and find a political solution to the issue.
Essentially, Trump wants to postpone a decision that could effectively ban TikTok in the US until after he takes office, giving him the opportunity to potentially negotiate a different outcome.
Trump requests the Supreme Court to delay its ruling on a law that could ban TikTok or force its sale, arguing that the incoming administration should have time to try and find a political solution to the issue. Essentially, Trump wants to postpone a decision that could effectively ban TikTok in the US until after he takes office, giving him the opportunity to potentially negotiate a different outcome.